I was chatting with the BFF when i remembered this saying.."God gives but doesnt give everything", this is a abit of our conversation.

D: gwe.i dont shave.do u find that unbelievable?
T: nope, shd i?
D: apparently it is. i should be shaving.like its my fault that i have this really cool natural goatee moustache combination,that i never have to suffer from razor bumps (yet)
T: ooooooooo.says who?lol,rite
D: ah. sweet sweet genes,i've gotta find myself a girl with awesome genes and do like dna - replicate
T: hahahahha well, gd luck with that coz i dont think there's like a legit way to know that.......
D: u look at her father, her brother, her grandfather. then do the same for mother's side
T: niiiice, u got this all worked out,huh?
D: who doesnt want totally awesome kids
T: munange everyone wants, but havent u heard "God gives, but he doesnt give everything"

That reminded me of school. When people would be hating on some gal, they would say stuff like "that chick is pretty, she has brains, but man, God didnt give her nice legs" and the general reply would be "God gives, but he doesnt give everything".

The conversation with BFF eventually led to discussion about children and bringing them up to be "totally sane kids,who respect people for who they are", for example.

This is the part that so scares me about having kids, they are such a big reponsibility and the sad thing is u can only influence them and their life choices so much coz obviously they have their own thoughts and feelings and whatever. Its their life, right?

I think or rather i know, that kids turn out the way they do because of Gods mercy, i know im sounding bible beating but hey, fact is fact. Because realistically depending on the principles your parents use when you are growing up, ur life will reflect that.

Which is why for example, you might be a wild child but wont rebel when it comes to somethings because of that deep seeded belief system instilled by your parents, by the example set by your parents.

I think its just God who sets u right.

check this out
6 Responses
  1. lulu Says:

    i think God gives us what we need and not what we want, besides the bible says who are we to tell the potter how we(the clay) should be made... come to think of it, we never notice how right or wrong we are until we are in our teenies ad wanna look like nelly furtado! anyway, the radio station i work for isa called power fm 104.1 and i do the weekday request countdown 7-8pm and sunday morning 6-10am.
    thanks for dropping by! lu

  2. Iwaya Says:

    ....I was here. Myabe you should put up some pix of the two of you and we determine the offspring potential? :O)

  3. Tandra Says:

    @ lulu. thanks so much for the info, always suspected twas u, but now tis confirmed!

    @iwaya..lol, not on ur life!

  4. Unknown Says:

    for shizzle it is God who sets u right. God gives and gives everything, just take wat won't offend you neighbour (someone shd scream here....in laughter!!!!) haha, that was a funny thing, about girls commenting abt some gurl being pretty and bright but not having the right legs...such girly beef, so funny!!! By the way, i have never read your blig and failed to laugh, i think that makes you sanguine... not so?

  5. Unknown Says:

    okay, the typos...my bad!! Blog* . Seriously, I meant to say God puts it all there on a silver platter, we choose.and take.