A few months ago Lydia playfoot, a 16 yr old girl who was banned by her school for wearing a “purity ring” took her school, Millais School in Horsham in West Sussex, to the High Court. Lydia, a member of the Silver Ring Thing Christian group wears a silver ring engraved with a Biblical reference- “1 Thessalonians 4:34” St. Paul’s Letter to the Thessalonians- as a sign of their belief in abstinence from sex till marriage. She claims that her school breached her human rights by preventing her from wearing the ring, while allowing Muslim and Sikh students to wear headscarfs and religious bangles.

I am in total agreement with Lydia. Why should I not be allowed to wear a piece of goats tail to prove to everyone that I am indeed pure before God and Man. Why should I be forced to even wear a symbol to prove my level or lack of sexual prowess.

The answer is pretty simple, if you think about it. It is what the world expects and the world, being a hypocrite that it is, takes offence when I take what it expects and makes some symbol out of it.

I have every right to dress, speak, rant and spit about what ever I wish to just like everybody else and yet for some odd reason, when a Christian takes another route to self expression, people are up in arms.

Not more than a year ago, for example, it became a fad to wear wrist bands that carried specific messages like “Arsenal forever”, ‘Peace”, “Unity”, “Tranquility”, “Club Silk” and “Celtel Africa Challenge”. The fad was so powerful that the Christian community did not escape it, they had bands reading “W.W.J.D” (What Would Jesus Do), “F.R.O.G”(Fully Rely On God), “D.O.G” (Depend on God) and “P.U.S.H” (Pray Until Something Happens) and these soon became the boldest form of expressing belief, encouraging oneself in times of dire need and identifying with people of the same belief system.

Why, I then ask, cant it happen the other way round. Why is it more acceptable for Christians to express themselves the same way everyone else does by just twisting a phrase and it is acceptable than for the same Christian to start their own drive?

When I start my campaign to carry a piece of goat tail, I’m sure everyone will harangue me starting with my barber to my banker to animal rights activists. I will be called to little corridor meetings to explain why I could not have picked a user-friendlier symbol. And more importantly, I will be questioned on why I need to express myself anyway.

And in reply to these questions, my persecutors will very conveniently forget about my freedom of expression and belief. They will conveniently forget that local artists and whichever hawker can land on one, carry’s and sells those fly swatters, very similar to my proposed piece of goat tail.

Are they put out of business? No.
Are they questioned? No

But I will be because I dared to be different; I dared to express my faith my way.

If anything, I should be applauded for instituting something “African” into our belief system instead of taking on very western expressions like the chastity belt, the purity ring and so on.

But again, this will conveniently be forgotten because it is different.

An expression of faith is at best that, just an expression. It is a basic human right to express oneself and to get your thoughts on a matter across. It is entirely up to the individual to believe and adopt. No one forces you to believe in what you believe in, that is a personal decision.
Tumwijuke wrote this post and made me think some, and im sorry for as if posting as if at yours, so this is my rant... in MY space

Please note: tis a rant!

I have often wondered if those UFO thingies actually exist, i tend to lean more towards Mericans commercializing ideas, on my more favorable days. On my not so level days, i think, they could exist! After all nothing exists out of nothing...... well, that is if you do not think about creation.. coz technically nothing existed until God put it together. ((interesting rant about respecting structures the way they are set up here... towards the end, but u can read it all))

I have thus created the following letter in defense ( maybe promotion) of Africa

People of the Universe (((isn't that what they say in movies???))

I understand you actually consider leaving your vastly advanced colonies to make it to earth some day (assuming these guyz weren't lying abt area 51 and u have not been here before)

We are kewl people with miles and miles of land for you to land on and set camp. We have deserts, lakes.. forests and in fact we are doing our part in balancing out this thing we like to call climate change through engaging in carbon trading. There's some explanation in there, that you must be familiar with, you guyz being advanced and all.

Should u have any other qns in regard to site requirements, send us a message of sorts. Yes, we have the interweb sorry internet thingy set up, we have like radio and telly and guess what, we do know how to read. Granted literacy levels are not where they should be, but we are optimistic that we shall get there some day.

i know you probably have some questions about our political situation.. well some might argue that it is unstable, at its best. But, if you really think about it, when our leaders refuse to step down and help us develop even more,THAT THERE is expected, reliable and STABLE.. so technically you have nothing to worry about.

I always argue that if you wanted to disappear after your enemy kicked u off Pluto, u cld lounge it in Africa, its relatively safe.. we dont have serious car tracking and GPRS locating thingies coz quite frankly our road system is messed up... we cant exactly make it to Google Maps yet because there are sooo many roads within roads(coz like typical Africans we believe in short cuts) and therefore... u can loose urself as well as ur enemy.. effective!

We are generally friendly people, dear aliens. We accept what our "leaders" say.. u know them leaders. Them people who help us with financial aid all the time, those people who essentially dictate what we should do. But you could help us out... if you have waaay more money than them and technology (especially weapons) that are the cheese, we could work something out. We are amendable to "democracies" where the voices of the people count for nothing.( bonus!)

ooo, it is also advisable that you change your monies into dollars before you get here and make sure they are dated after 2000. for some odd reason u will be stiffed when you go to change it.

we also have various languages.. surely we should find one we can both understand! we like to take things slowly-slowly... so tis like u on holiday all year long which is very helpful coz its like summer n spring break rolled into one, all year round here.

We can defend you if you came to lounge it here. Contrary to what you might have seen in some movies like "Independence day" with will smith... in addition to having spears, we have guns. SHock! Gasp! yes... they might b old models but really, the important thing is, we can also say we have.....

By the way, i know u have probably heard that we have countless diseases as well... like HIV, malaria, Ebola, cholera, TB and everything else. Cant deny that.. but we have survived for countless years and although when we leave Africa we are quarantined because of these diseases (especially malaria), i would like to let you know that we have thick skin. Now... if your genetic make up is anything like ours, u are some what sorted... if not... well.... err.... yeah!

Ps. If you plan to blow up big buildings and have effective coverage of the events... Africa aint for you.

I stress... we are friendly!!!! and thank ful to God that somehow HE sees us through food shortages, energy crisis', political upheaval yadi yada...

Thank You
First my access to the Interweb is questionable, so understand when i cant comment on your posts but i be reading, thats the important part, isnt it????

In other news, Bomseh, yes... the version of "weakness in me" you are listening to is by keisha white, im listening to the Melisa Etheridge version.. it roooocketh!

I sometimes think i should go on with my dream of creating a directory on Uganda, be a one person information portal, and not necessarily for touristy reasons. Then it hits me that, i would need serious funding and some how i dont think certain peoples would be sold on the idea.

I just hate not knowing where things are. I hate knowing that if i walked into a MUK office, for example, i would run around for 3 hours and not find the answer to what im looking for.

I hate visiting websites and finding nothing.

I hate calling up information and they do not have some numbers listed (kwani their job is what?)

Before i get carried away, it was this SMS that reminded me of why i think i ought to sort that particular goal out. SMS in its splendour read

Banange T! i cant find my s6 certificate. wd u help me? hw much does 1 cost frm uneb? hw lng b4 i get it? and which is mo important? the short one ? or big 1?

Now, ask, why wld anyone THINK i wd have such info readily available? i dont work in education!!!!
Waiit.. i did do a somewhat related stint.. maybe thats why.. but so nooooooooot the point right now.

I dont know the answer... anyone?????

As i was idling through the new vision this morning (yes, those of us who are job hunting do this like clock work on monday's) i came across this headline " You should not be ashamed of being pregnant".. i just died... it as if made my morning.

okay...... okay.... im fibbing a bit. it was "You should not be ashamed of pregnancy cravings" but the other heading would have been waaaaaay cooler.

The other day, i was yappin with a friend and they asked what my sister calls her mother-in-law and what my brother-in-law calls my parents.

My answer... Mummy and Daddy.

Apparently this friend of mine could neeeeeeeeeeyvah call her mother-in-law or any other woman for that matter, "mummy"... it would be some sort of betrayal.

When my dad was looking up mukyala (my mum (grins))), my grand daddy asked him if when he joined the family, he was joining as a son or a son-in-law. My father joined as a son.

The same qn was asked of my brother-in-law. He joined our family as a son.

The way i see it, its the ultimate form of acceptance if my mother/father-in-law asked me to call'em mum n dad i would be honoured, humbled, speechless and all those appropriate cliches. Because technically, they arent my parents but would have accepted me as their daughter.

thats just what i think... what do u think?
My sister would kill me but i just had to write this out. You know those statements/phrases/questions people make/ask and you wonder what they are on about, yes?

Starting with this one:

1. "How do you make it?" i swear, the first time i heard this one, i was like make what??????
In case you have not heard this one before, the peep be asking what time it is.

2. "He doesn't have my time..." Contrary to what you might think, this is actually different from " He doesn't have time for me"

3. "It is good for me" think this means you appreciate whats going on. You could also relate it to someone else for example by asking "isnt it good for u?"

4. That boy is too too nice. this one according to me is used in sooo many ways i can only conclude that this means he is delish! or something.

5. How do u know me now?.... check out innocent for this one....

6. Bambucha! yeah... Fanta ad. Peeps say this and you wonder what you are supposed to say in response.

Other short stories...
The other day my mum tells this story about a friend who was travelling. Enroute she stops at some airport (think she had like an hr to kill), she gets carried away sky shoppin. so as time passes and she gets more and more involved in her shopping, she keeps hearing the over head announcement...
"Mrs butime (read byutime) please report to your gate"
"Mrs. butime, please report as soon as you can"
"Mrs. butime, we may be forced to offload your laguage if you do not report immediately"
"Mrs. butime, Mrs.. butime"

Eventually, she realises that she's running late so she rushes to her gate. When she gets there, everyone is getting bent out of shape over her so they ask if she hadnt heard the announcement.
and she goes like...
"wait! i thought u were calling someone else... my name is BUTIME (bu-ti-me- read it like an African) not byutime"

I basically died.

But that one was relatively okay.... there was the story of another one who got "lost" at the airport... His name "Besingyire".... airport personel went around calling him "besing-wire"

In unrelated news, a friend of mine amused me this morning. Sent this message

G: gwe as a nation i think we need to buy for mrs sevo a new bag!

I fell off my chair laughing. Apparently mrs. sevo has been seen carrying the same bag on numerous occasions and this is uncalled for.
Be silent inspired the clean look then she went n changed hers... someone is becoming as bad as me.. LOL

I sooooo relate to this song!!! i had to share... finally got it.. guess thats one thing that came outa idols... ooo well....

I'm not the sort of person
Who falls in and quickly out of love
But to you I gave my affection
Right from the start
If I have a lover who loves me
How could I break such a heart
Yet still you get my attention
Why do you come here
When you know I've got troubles enough
Why do you call me
When you know I can't answer the phone
You make me lie when I don't want to
And you make someone else some kind of an unknowing fool
And you make me stay when I should not
Are you so strong or is all the weakness in me
Why do you come here
And pretend to be just passing by
When I mean to see you
And I mean to hold youTightly
Feeling guilty, worried
Waking from tormented sleep
Oh this old love has me bound
But the new love cuts deep
And if I choose now I'll lose out'
Oh one of you has to fall
And I need you and you
Why do you come here
When you know I've got troubles enough
Why do you call me
When you know
I can't answer the phone
You make me lie when I don't want to
And you make someone else some kind of an unknowing fool
And you make me stay when I should not
Are you so strong or is all the weakness in me
Why do you come here
And pretend to be just passing by
But I mean to see you
And I mean to hold you

Melissa Etheridge The Weakness in Me

So my cousin came home to officially introduce her boi... sorry fiance. He seems a nice enough chap.

After numerous hours (read 2) of chatting and getting to know each other, my mother felt twas time to ask a very pertinent qn.... So where did you meet???

Cousin giggles and goes on to explain that they met at an ATM and he was ahead of her in the line. He gave up his spot for her (((nanti ladies first))) and she really wasnt impressed at that time. Here she diverted, telling us how long the story was blah blah and it was getting late blah blah.

So we saw them off.... as we were walking back into the house my mother turns to me and says..
"Kati T, you had better also start hanging out at ATMs"
6.20AM stupid alarm goes off.. realize its going to be a muddy rain. Drizzle aint letting up.

6.40AM Debate between being appropriately dressed or lounging it in jeans...

decide on presentable shirt and jeans

7.12AM Leave house. Rain cant make up its mind

7.17AM Recieve call asking where I am. I was close.

7. 22AM Go through hotel security

7.24AM Let down by hotel staff. Exhibition area has NOT been set up.

Conference/Exhibition starts by 9.00 AM latest.

7.27AM Finally track down staff incharge

7.33AM As if client arives.

7.40AM Standing by 6 of the 11 tables asked for.

7.41AM Big boss client arrives with HIS boss. Makes me smile. People tend to be humble in

presence of real boss

7.45AM Exhibitors arrive. Still have 6 tables.. not set up in any way.

7.46AM Managers give quack explanation for being behind the times. We aint buying!

8.00AM Finally have 11 tables. No table clothes or skirting.

8.15AM Cloth and skirting arrive.

9.00 AM Declare self mushroom pin (thumb pin) Master. Thumb throbs like a problem!!!

9.40 AM Jeans socked through... walking through muddy "grass"... rain still present.

10.30 AM Through with tables. Colour chosen clashes with my green table tops. Decide to


10.40 AM Inform junour client that im through. She insists that they want ribbon.

Feeling frustrated!

11.10 AM Walking down Luwum street looking for ribbon. All the shades seem weeeeeeird. Rain aint giving up its proggie.

11.40 AM Walk to Skunk's. in desparate need of help. HELP!Skunk came through MAJORLY! Thank U

12.40 PM Make way back with rosetts ( ribonny thingies)

1.15 -PM complete table dressing.. debate on wether to have lunch or not.

1.25 PM looked at suspiciously. Seemed like we timed lunch. Decide to eat with gusto.
Lunch was not for writing home about.

2.05PM Finish off tables.

2.40PM Go home to change. Jeans and shoes done in. Want to catch some z's. CANT

4.20 PM Make way back to finish day.

5.20 PM Goofed by pull up banner thingies. There are no gentlemen out there!!!

6.10PM begin gentle stroll to see friend. Have a loooooovely evening.

10.20PM Get home. Tell the mother and sister about my day.

11.20 PM Eyes shut.
I have decided to delete pictures from my phone.... yes thats right, i dont have a snazzy camera so forgive my pictures... and as you may have guessed, im getting rid of the ones of food.

Yes joshi...i do eat more than fish!

So, around these be oveeeeeeeeeeer time so i begin to wonder why i still have them...

ooo well....

1. The crocodile, Kisimenti.

I had heard soooooooo much about this place ((okay... years ago!)) so we decided to go see what the big deal was about.

The uncomfortable state of the chairs should have been indication enough of what was NOT to come. (((In case you wondering, they be those haaaard wood chairs we had growing up, practically every one i knew had them growing up.. havent people had of cushions? )))

In all fairness i should state that they do have like wicker chairs outside and those steel like tables at mateos.... but they were all taken so we sat in side.

Tables were bare, save a green bottle and some flowers (cant remember name, me mum wld kill me! im supposed to KNOW these things apparently)

anyway...after debating on wat to eat... we had something something chicken and sauce and a cheese burger. (yes, unlike some people who wont cheat on Dominoz, i need to find another burger hang out placey thingy))

Here is the plate of chicken watever.. (yes, i was soo unimpressed i dont remember the name, chicken tasted like fish in my humble opinion)

Here beez my burger and the main point of my rant. Lets first start with a picture... imma walk you thru eeeeeeeeeeexactly wat happened

That there.. that THING you are looking at... bread (bun slightly bigger than a hotloaf bun) then the burger.. then the yellow goey thingy is cheese MBU. (im abt to go on strike n carry my own cheese to restaurants!) and those fries! manya wedges... but anyway...

In my humble opinion, i was ripped off. I mean, if you are going to give me a burger, and if you are going to buy'em... atleast spend a good 3,400 (max) but noooooo!

Guyz are sooo cheap they didnt even confuse the meal ko with onions... or even tomato.. or cabage at worst!

Please note: next pictures will gross u out...prolly.. ((grins)))

Here in true "awa money" form,i made use of the ketchup, salt, pepper and butter. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiinally got some taste.

Conclusion: go to the crocodile if you really waaaaaaaaaaant to punish someone and yourself in the process.

2. Rwenzori coffee house, Lugogo Shopping Mall ((yes, sybella.. dont go around calling it SHoprite)))

I dont mind this place, infact it has some good coffee... its nice.
On this particular day, i think the chef took leave of his/her sences. i ordered a burger (yes, i need to get over them).

Nice looking, huh?? (eh just noticed, they also mized on the onion front!!)....

Word of advice: make sure u tell them how well to cook it. Mine was raaaaaaare! im looking at them like "mwe, im an african!!!"

This was the one time i reaaaaaaaaaally wanted to be asked if i had enjoyed my meal.

Above is the sandwhich BLT, i think... u hungry... go get it!

3. Cafe Ballet, Nakasero

I looooooooooooove this place altho i think its coz its like my newest discovery. Let me not spoil it yet... only have pictures from my first visit.. so bear with me... ALso did a burger here... fish though...

Cafe ballet... the thing thats a winner here.. is there sauces... they be the beeeeeeeeeeeest!!

okay...tired of talking food... moving on...

My dad did it to me the other night. I come home tiiiiiiiiiiiiired. ALl i wanted to do was go to bed! so as i pass by their door...our conversation went like

T: Good evening parents, how u doing?

D: okay.... u?

T: okay... how was your day..

D: okay....

T: okay... good night

D: eh!! waiit... go down with this!

T: err...y wld i be going downstairs???

D: To go to your room...

T: BUt daddy... i live next door!!!!

turns out he thought i was my younger sister. i could not understand y he was sending me on suuuuuch plot!

Remember when i told u abt the "whoz the baby daddy" SMS... i got another one vvvvvvvvverrry recently. similar message...

chic, warrup?! i nid 2 scold u, how can U keep 4n me news of big achievements?! i hear U have left my league. Congs.. so how far? Sex of the baby? baby daddy... Details?"

first line a read i was like waaaaaaaaiiit.. do people know of some job i have that EVEN i dont know about?? (nanti wat other big achievement? )

Left our my league?? maybe... just maybe its a job.

how far?? sex of baby??? waaaaaaaaaaa????

i died laughing a second time. But people who pay more attention to my life than i do amuse me so. What is interesting is it seems to be emerging from my high school friends side. These are people i raaaaaaarely see so im wondering who started the rumour..

Maybe they saw me with little man and they decided he was mine and i was making my way happily to no. 2. No, that cant be it...that dude (little man) is tooo much of a lighty to be mine, unless ofcos i have some repressed liiiiiiiiiight gene in my family somewhere.

Someone suggested i shd just adopt a kiddie and have done!

In toooooootally unrelated new... i saw this dude's ride the other day. By the time im mentioning this, you should be able to tell that i have naught to talk about.

Yes.. i saw the dudes car... big deal? well apparently it IS! they way "celebs" act in uganda, you'd think they actually had a lot going on for them.

i mean, guy disorganized all of us coz he had to park in his designated spot (yeah, wat abt us?? huh??? huh?? wat?)) and ffe all we were concerned about was beating curfew! ((grins) guy all acting like a president, spinners and all...those lights that blind you like its plot!

Number plate said "Ghetto" so naturally we went into "tu beera mu ghetto"...

If u havent figured it out...im talking abt Bobi wine, Ghetto president person.

Im not even going to tell u what car it is.. i havent sunk that low in NO KB land....

and then hoooooooooooorror of horrors. The police seem serious about this bus/taxi stops thing. I was innocently idling in Greenland Towers (kampala road) knowing i would cross the road, jump on to a taxi.. 10 minutes max be at centenary park then walk it up to hotel Africana.

( in an unrelated side note.. im yet to see this "beach" in the middle of the town... where exactly is it??? any one know... oba i have to wait for another Mirinda promotion, grow like 10 yrs younger, in order to enjoy the beach?")))

As i was saying... the jooooooooke was sooo on me! i walk out.. no taxi's... im like one will turn up so i begin the gentle trek.

I finally jumped into one at Shell.. opposite Rainbow arcade and i was able to do this coz the said taxi had stopped at the pump MBU to get fuel. I suspect thats the only way to get people to board these days... otherwise, trust me.. fitness Oyee!!!

Then i have laaaaaanded on this song... tis like... inspiring and stuff (p.s u need to be in some kind of zone to get it))

There's this girl I know So deep in love (in love)
Do almost anything To make him see she's the one
But he doesn't feel a girl like her
He's so, so wrapped up Cause the average girl
Will give him anything he wants

[Pre-Chorus]He's so caught up
He won't call her
He shows no love
So she decides

[Chorus]I changed my mind
I don't love you
I don't love you more
Don't waste my time

[Verse 2:]It's the funniest thing cause IKnow how I feel inside
But you never felt the same as I(never, never, never, ohh)
I miss him so muchI bet you don't even notice
And he don't even realiseCause he..

.[Pre-Chorus][ I Changed My Mind
He's so caught up
He won't call her
He shows no love
So she decides

[Chorus]I changed my mind
I don't love you
I don't love you more
Don't waste my time

[Bridge]I'm so over you
Got no more to give
I gave it all to you
And you couldn't handle itA
nd I don't careIf you come back to me on your knees
I just don't love you no more

[Chorus]I changed my mind
I don't love youI don't love you more
Don't waste my time

What you thinkin'
When you see me on the corner
And you see me hagin' out
Niggas on the block
Don't care what it's all about

[Kanye]And stop
What you thinkin'
When you see me comin through
And you see me with a nigga
On the corner til' 2
So.. remember when i talked about easter plans n how i was going to be a fifth wheel.. same thing happened to me this morning. Do i have a ka sign thats says "baaaaaaaaack up... realllly back up" or what?

I log onto yahoo and this "friend" who we shall name kay was trez excited to see me.. im wondering why, and rightly so. After the usual plesantries out conversation went like:

K: i wanted to tell u about some plot i have for satuday.

T: okay......

K: anyway David n Noah were thinkin of beach plot on sat afternoon, so was wondering if u want to come, not sure hw many people are comin but, noah, sam, patrick n sara, david n I, karen n Nathan, Sophie n Robin, Robins's sister. havent told Bernad and Stella but will tll them. ohh Pam n u maybe

Now, i know what you are thinking... the invite came in the first line.... right? some how that thing of putting me at the end with Pam Maybe? some how negates the whole thing...

But then again, maybe im being hyper sensitive.. but this is a peep i have know for a looooooooooong time, im prolly being consulted coz im online.

Im more than 96% sure i aint going... but shd i change my mind (which i'm like 99% sure aint gonna happen), need company. Any takers?

2. I have decided that when the time comes, im going to throw myself a baby shower simply because i cannot stand women being "women" on me. I already have issues deciding on what should be done but i have met my match in some women i know!

I have spent the better part of my morning discussing a baby shower with this person who doesnt want to be the "committee" chair person. I understand that. I get that. Who wants to be saddled with the whole "direct adults" thing? The problem is she is the mother-to-be's tight.

The rest of us are in e.t.c.

Imma paste the conversation... maybe u will understand why i was frustrated.

T: speakin of which sandy's thing, a date hasnt been decided on

N: nope.... not even de food we were gooing to discuss wat shld b on de menu

T:wat abt a date first so we can plan knowing WHEN we will be spending..hello!

N:okay that is true. woman can we just b thinkin of food wat basic things shld b there

T:salad thingies. well depends on what we planning to eat. if its abbq or just serious heavy lunch or just snacks

N: chick we r plannin to eat food

T: ...people will b bringing but the menu has to be decided on thats y im asking wat kind of shower it is. r we coming to drink tea?ki ki?

N: no we r not didnt u see de list of drink gladys has well we can add on de sodas n beer for those who drink it that is why we need to kn hw many people r comin n we plan

T: no... that is y we need to know wat we serving

N: okay so wat r we servin

T: babe,u keep tossin the qn back n i keep tossing it back. so far i have suggested which u jam. suggested bbq, u jam so err...u need to come up with something

N: ohh i thout u were askin.... wat do u mean tea it will b afternoon who will want tea? unless if it is raining but it is a gd idea so we can get Sandy to make tea, coca cola, krest

T: but the boyz will sit down to tea?i die!!!!

N: no that is whyi said we need beer n de alcohol that gladys has

T: yeah... so u r going to give them biscuits n beer???

N: woman, food if the thing is at 3pm or afternoon that means the guys r comin to eat rite

T: which brings us exactly back to the same point which was wat i have been asking u all this time

N: okay... i thout we r trying to come up with a menu

T: which is y i have been asking u wat kind of thing it is heavy food? or bbq? n heavy food we talking matooke, rice, irish...meats or what?

N: am also asking u we all have to decide and i think it shld b heavy food coz if its afternoon into evening the we need to eat plus de guys will probably b drinkin so they need somthin to aet that is heavy....no matooke maybe bbq kind can also

I have presently put N on hold. I just could take it annnnnymore.I could take the tennis match any more especially when we can have this conversation allllllllllllllll day long.

If you cant see why im frustrated, then u n N should hook up.

Im telling you.. mine i will organize or besti will... surely there has to be one organised person in the lot. Oba u dont want.. u dont come!!

Meanwhileanyone know where jasmine went???
Yes... syb... we are celebrating a neeeeeeeeeeewww year!

So i recently got interested in noting visitor activity on my blog. I know, i should have been doing important things like donating rice like Be silent but i could not help myself.

Where as some people have google or technocrati and movies are us!.. i got hooked on get clicky! by someone who will go unnamed.

I was giddy at the prospect of knowing who was visiting, where they came from and where they were going. How long they spent, what they looked for and what search words led people to my blog.

Baz did say something about creating traffic by making mention of some otherwise non interesting things.

I have found that among the key word searches that leads people to my blog is "greg's list". I know, some of you are reading it like "huh".

To this day i maintain that i did know what i was talking about, i somehow just didnt type it out. I can remember that day sooooooooo clearly, its amazing. Thanks to Nathan, i corrected it to "craigs list"... now you may go like "oooo ooooh!"
makes sense now, right?

This little experiement has proved that there are hopeless spellers out there :D

My preoccupation with getclicky however came to an end when i realised that i was enjoying a limited edition thingy... they were tempting me.. pushing me to want to know more..pushing me to upgrade... spend my non existant dollars on a bump to Premium from a basic package. Well...they aint gonna get me!!

I have thus moved on to statcounter, sitemeter and wonders... google analytics. They all basically do the same thing, monitor your site. They provide colour ful graphs and stuff... u should check it out!!

This is however where the trick is... apparently they all look for different things which means one will tell you 20 people visited your site, while another will say 5 did and yet another will say 60 people did.

Im usually skeptical about the ones that say a certain number below the number of people who commented ...those stats are plain out lying!!!!

so im wondering if i should not just go around ignorantly about my business. I mean...this business of knowing is proving a bit unsatisfying.

OOOOoooooooooo well.....
On an interesting day waaaay back in 2007... i started out with this post... yeelllo! I suspect at the time i was riding high on MTN adverts or some such thing, otherwise, such words do not constitute my regular vocabulary. 

Today i am the proud owner of you.. blog! One year.... imagine that!

A year in which we have laughed, we have cried, we have offered sound advice, we have cracked each other up and generally "been all we could be".

Eh but we have been through some issues... but we have made a number of friends as well... this voyage started out as just that... but now we are richer for the people that make blogville worth being a part of.

I could not start to list everyone because you are allllllllllllll soooo many to name and alll soooooooo important to go into explaining. Each of you beez special (even you who up and make your blogs private so i cant read'em like kelly and Phoenix.. yeah linking them wld not help u!!!)

Err... enough sappyness... onto funner things.... wats the plot this weekend???

i was tagged by be silent and cheri so here go my four ( im actually tilting my head read these letters!!!)))

They be asking me things like four jobs i have had in my life, movies i love to watch, tv shows i love, places i have lived, four places i have been on vacation and four places i would rather be now. 

I think these be pretty keeeeeeeeeeeewl things to ask me.. so should i tag  you please adhere to the rules.

Disclaimer: author is not responsible for deviating from the plan (((grins))


1. The kewl serious looking ( hot hot hottie) babe at the  bank who you dont want to disturb lest she assures you in front of the masses. Turns out she's helpful every time. 
There was this one at Nile bank... always wondered why she wasn't in top management or something. i actually did not mind making that line because of her. Unfortunately, i think she moved on to better things.

2. Peeps in the MA (Massachusetts) long before their transport system got worked out who used to dip into the transport collection fund. Imagine not monitoring all the bus route monies all day long therefore not knowing how much you have collected. 

Want a coffee?? no problem.. walk into the "safe" n pick out some dollars. Now that is living.

3. really unbeliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiievably rich mans wife. Now, i know what you thinking... that isnt a job. I maintain that it is..coz man, u have to work for those dimes. PLus since its a job.... it does have a time limit, u know, so u gots to work every minute! 

4. UN or one of those big-do-gooder Organization Secretary.

One with  Tyler .. just joking. Snap! they have all been directed!!! Moving on....... 


1. the skinny people who always get stuck on sinking ships and somehow always survive. Anyone watch poseidon? 

2. the world changing fire breathing gal... stereotypically tattooed, with dark hair or the other extreme is the  blonde hippie called sunflower or moonbeam. Ever notice how they are always white? waiiit ... what am i saying? WHich African would be caught dead??  Now who is stereotyping?? LOL

3. Robert De niro when he aint acting true to form. He totally killed Analyze this and a bit of Star dust. Dude over cried in Analyze and somehow cant come off as floozy in Stardust. 

Imagine him telling you " try getting a blood stain out of silk... NIGHTMARE!" in a gay sorta voice ... in a word.. creepy!

4. This one relates to music... this dude... actually they be two come to think of it... this candle in the wind dude, what's his name? i cannot believe i have actually forgotten!  and phil collins. These things of hogging an entire cartoon sound track are uncalled for!


 Mars... or that place they showed us on the telly. As someone once said... just how sure are we they actually been to the moon? in fact... maybe the moon should be on my list but no, everyone and their sons wanna go there.

 Islamabad, Helsinki, croatia, Poland, Morocco, Luxembourg and Cuba  simply coz i know next to nothing about them and i plan to keep it that way. 


1.  Idols ( all of them) Made, My own, Making the band, Dancing with the stars ((all basically the same idea))

2. Anything with Lenny Henry ( you most likely know Lenny from "Chef".. featured on WBS, i think it was some good time ago). Best british comedy eeeeeeeever. 

3. Ugandan music vid making  like our version of " making the video". If i find the finished product hilarious, imagine the making! Guys take themselves waaaaaaaaay to seriously.

4. Off the Menu, Weakest link, myth busters  and of course those crazy magicians like Chris Angel and David Copperfield 


1. My village (yes, sometimes i do actually want to go... shock! gasp!)

2. Some place without lake flies but with like a lake.... or ocean.. No... a lake is better. Those things of getting lost at sea are unappealing.

3. Some place where it doesn't matter what (or my lack of) my accent is.

4. A cosmopolitan place ((grins))


1. Mexican
2. Italian
3. Jamaican
4. some Ugandan dishes.. (nanti you have to appear as if from the land, in order to catch manya Okello who wonts millet and Gilbert who wants malewa (bamboo shoots) and Jeremy who wants Luwombo. Eh women suffer!) 

which reminds me, the other day i was in a taxi where this guy was just yapping a mile a minute and he was generally picking on the conductor (in retrospect, the dude was a tad annoying... anyway). The thing that struck me as funny was when they were in the thick of the argument, the passenger goes like,
 "ye gwe, ova kiboga, ki ki??? nga tulabye nyo!" 

(loosely translation to mean : you, do you come from kiboga or what? we have suffered a lot") 

I laughed myself silly... because i remembered some "report" which stated that about 80% of all house girls come from Kiboga and thus it is generally referred to as a producer of such people... 


I know, your thinking, T got married? When?? No cake!!!

Im talking about my main squeeze Tyler Perry's why did i get married.

first things first...

Cast :Tyler Perry, Sharon Leal, Janet Jackson, Malik Yoba, Jill Scot, Richard T. Jones, Tasha Smith, Michael Jai White, Denise Boutte, Keesha Pam, Lamman Rucker... 

Genre: Comedy, drama....

I thought it was a good one but then again my boy doesnt disappoint. ((okay...focus!!!))

It starts of with patricia (janet) explaining this journey she goes on with her friends and their spouses when they go on vacation to ask themselves "WHY they got married?". It's supposedly a chance for them to think through their year.. what they been through and how they dealt with it.

The couples are relatable in a way that you can see you being one of them or know many of your friends who fit the mold and as their stories unfold you begin siding with each one of them.. depending on who "YOU" portray in the story.

The introduction of  Trina to the little group setting ideally sets the story off as she is the "trump" stealing one of the men and from then on... the knives come out as they start learning secrets about each other... things they havent shared as couples but amongst their different friend groupings.

The movie really revolves around them trying to work from the point of the "secret" being revealed to their futures and really tasting how strong their relationships (marriages are).

If you love black movies without people killing each other.. then this is the movie for you.

Things of interest: the 80-20 rule.
  Apparently your woman will only give you about 80% of what you need. So sometimes when you looking around.. you might chance on a woman you think will give you more than what you getting (the 20%). Depending on your will power, if you walk out on your woman, coz the offer is soooo tempting, you will essentially be loosing out on the 80% so ya needs to ask yourself if its worth it.

Not many men see that.

Side note: not many women realize their worth so when the dumping happens, they take it out on themselves, forgetting that THEY were the 80.

That i did it. That i was there. That i was the cause. That if it had not been for me, it would not have happened.

They say i was irresponsible, that i should have been paying attention but instead i was busy screaming my self silly.. me and my passengers. We were part of a beer promotion campaign.. Moonberg larger, may you die a slow painful death. Apparently me and the gals were screaming at the top of our lungs with "our thighs hanging out".

They say we were the problem because we had no regard for the pedestrians, we shouted at them insultingly.... actually more accurately, we shouted at her. This woman who turns out to be a representative of the grey's {or is it whites?? } ( nanti they cant be blues) who apparently has some esteem issues.

It would appear she isn't on the right side of pretty or slim but who cares?? A person is a person, right?? 

She said i did this... she said they have been looking for me for two months. She says i almost run her over in katwe in January. She says me and my gals shouted at her that one fine day in January.

I have thought about what she said and i have many theories as to why she is saying these things about me. 

At the top of my list is she is just a hater! I mean, i was probably idling doing my innocent driving by thing as per usual when she chanced upon that number plate.. it is pretty simple to remember. 

I'm also wondering what i would be doing in katwe on a fine evening... the place is notorious for jams in addition to which the only reason i would have been there was if i was coming back from Entebbe which does not make sense. I live on the side of town where it would not make sense to go through katwe.

Even if she insists that i was in the vicinity... the only way i could have almost run her down is if she carelessly crossed the road. Pedestrians are notorious for that.. i would know, i am one of them! 

If she insists that i was part of a beer promotion, they we would have been moving slowly, yes?(prolly in 4-5pm jam)  Which means for the near accident to occur, she must have just decided to yingia the road unless of course she crossed at the zebra crossing (dont know if katwe has one, i seem to remember seeing one, the lines aint there any more...tis a really vague recollection that) so unless she was at that point, essentially i had the right of way.

I know what her argument will be, the car is more powerful than the pedestrian so the "car" should be more responsible. I tooootallly agree... but when, as the pedestrian, tis sincerly your fault because you over estimated the attention the driver was paying, then dont blame the car.

You see, this is one thing people dont get...the driver is paying attention to like gazillion things at the same time. You thinking you are important enough to be seen, may be your first mistake.

Back to my defense...
January was a hard month... the start of a hard year for me. The kenya elections situation made fuel a thing of luxury in jan, remember that? i have horror stories from Jan. So for it to be insinuated that i was busy gallivanting in a fuel less car goes against the grain.

Me? beer promotion??? NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYVAH! Even if you are my boo, i am sorry, there are just somethings a gal should never be associated with and that one ranks high.

PLus who takes a tiny car full of gals on beer promotions? This aint a campus Guild president election campaign where we are desperate for just about any car we land on. This is promoting a NEW beer in Katwe or there abouts ...

Nti we were making noise and carrying on like some happy birds... lemme show you the car.. you be the judge... just how many loud carrying on people with "their thighs out" can you fit in here? ((the windows b tinted by the by))

I rest my case.

I am seriously doing a low low thing because this woman is out to get me. But on my braver days, i stand out n say "take your best shot cooper!!!! i can prove where i was.... can u???"

side note: if i disappear.. the coppers got me!! they got me good!!!
so munange, wasnt i there lounging innocently this morning when i got this sms....
"hey dear, how are u?all good i hope. kati news has it we have a loveli baby on the way...some not sharing? i have beef! so who'z baby daddy?"

Needless to say i fell off my bed laughing. 

First off since i dont have this number, i decided that the msg must have come to me in error. Second...man, who is spreading these rumors??????  They have about a 0.000000000000000001% chance of being true.

I didn't know how my day could be topped by that.... but waiiit... there's more.

The popo'z out to get me! i aint even tripping... i aint making it up... the real police, the fuzz, the coppers...those peeps!!!!

 Will tell u abt that one another day..... onto happier topics....

Friday night...im at home. My bro called me up to ask what was going on and im like... im at home. Dad and mum too... and he goes like..." Yeah, THEY are supposed to be there...y are u in on friday???"

well brother of mine, as  u can cleeeeeeearly see... i aint out! im here doing re runs of watever unfortunate thing PPTv comes up with in the hope that i will find something worth while that i can blog about soon. 

You know...today i was thinking...why did i start this blog??? ((almost a year ago by the by)).... im trying to remember what i said in answer to mr.B2b's qn... ((why try to remember when i can find the answer...silow gal!!!)) hmmmm....seems i cant find it...or maybe it wasnt basix who asked...ooo well doenst really matter.....

My answer... it was something new for me to do and at the time, there was sooo much drama going on, i haaaaaaaaad to be a part of it. 

More importantly as i have recently realized, i like to talk... (yes, no suprise there) what you might not know is i dont get to talk that much coz i spend most of the day by myself... so i cant exactly tell myself lame jokes, can i? 

I cant exactly hold baaaaaaad conversations with myself so by the time the evening gets here man, i wannna yap! Problem is, everyone else is on the low low from hard days and troubles and drama. I end up listening and commiserating instead......

SO my blog is a way for me to talk. Peeps say i blog a lot... yes i do... but im just getting whateverz going on out there... it neeeeeeds to get out!!

In other news... yesterday i was kinda picked on by some duuuuuuuuuuuuude!!!! And i mean, he looked good from far... ((grins))

okay, i need to confess that i have sight issues so if i snob u... its prolly coz i havent seen you so please jump in front of me and say hi... i will gladly grin back and yap...

So dude decides he knows me....yes this tends to happen to me, wonder why it isnt someone cool like....like... Navio (klearkut)..saw him today, dude is tall.... he would not  see me.. 
or like  Menshan (u know Peter miles n Menshan ) ... some of you wldnt know who Menshan was if i did not associate him with Peter  Miles

have i ever told u that my heart bleeds for  sidekicks? poor Menshan never gets recognized, cant do nothing without Peter... or maybe he can...some day. 

OOO yes.. dude who decided he knew me..said hi...sat down with the babe he was with..... said bye when i was leaving. It  was all really groovy but i happened to realize dude is prolly younger than me... sigh.. sigh...weep weep.

O well... another one bites the dust...

whatcha up to????
1. Happened to land on the eye magazine. Pretty nifty idea this is (basically, its a guide to Uganda-very touristy in its approach.. online version here (takes some time to load and is pretty hard to maneuver around, according to me atleast!

Happened to land on a few bits and pieces i thought were interesting:

*** Indulge- Fine Food Delicatessen. Great Food, Fine wine, what else is there???
Open Wed-Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 10am-2pm 

QN: how many people do you know who go wine drinking between 10 am and 4pm?

Conclusion: they are not in it for the money, cl-e-a-r-ly

***** Nile  Horseback Safaris Short rides and over night safaris... cater for all abilities (whatever that means) Jinja, Uganda's adventure Capital!

 Interesting idea this... wondering how many people would actually turn up.... please note that i am refering to the indigenous. Most of y'al would jaaaam to even turn up which is probably coz first off, these chaps at the office prolly wont even sign  you up, prefering to ask instead if you are sure you are in the right place.

what's with ugandans anyway? so i want to do some weird stuff...tis no onez bizness but my own. Plus..im actually paying!!

****** The eye magazine people should be embarrassed, shy even! On their General information page, they talk about money tips and how  despite what is claimed in some guide books credit cards are not widely accepted..... the ugandan shilling is quite stable against the dollar...... dollars are more welcome than Euros and sterling. Paying in dollars can also lead to some frustration.

Yeah, nothing outwardly embarrassing about that only that the notes are dated prior to 1990. what year are we in again??

i wld have sent them an email but if they are anything like every other Ugandan...err... tisnt exactly an effective way to get the message across. So if you know anyone who works there...help!!

2. why do touristy pictures feature wazungu allllllllllllllllllllllll the time?? i know we are trying to attract'em and these activities are actually talor made for'em but once in a while... im available to model ((grins))

which reminds me.. ever notice when churches are doing ads (okay, trying to tell us to go seek Jesus), the wazungu are always at the front of the church is groups at that? 

i know we break out in song, "awa visitorz we a ape! 2 c u here in awa church" but people people!!

Isn't it really about Jesus and not who goes or doesn't go to your church???

3. twists! Imagine giving away parts of your body in the name of sustaining life only to... well... not sustain it per se. This is exactly what happened when 15-yr-old Alex koehne  parents made donations of his organs. Alex passed away, from what was considered bacterial meningitis at the time. Later, after the parents insisted on an autopsy, it became apparent that he actually had a deadly cancer known as anaplastic T-cell lymphoma. 

This was by the way, after his liver went to a 52-year-old man, his pancreas to a 36-year-old woman, and his kidneys to a pair of men, ages 46 and 64. Full story here

Imagine the hooooorrroooor. 

1. I passed by peace's and she has an interesting interpretation of something i saw on the news yesterday. I hadnt thought about it from the angle of the peep being arrested.

Here's a brief recap (note: i actually did not start at the beginning so i was trying to figure out what was happening)

This guy (looked Somalian or Arabic) about 25 is being ruffed up by some policeman. There are about 6 other police around him and a crowd of 20 or so around. We cannot see the actual arresting policeman coz of the angle of the camera but there's a lot of dialogue going on... ( i must confess this is what i found funny)

Guy (being arrested...with oba American accent, simanyi): what you doing?

P. 1: you arl coming with us..stop stru-gooling ((like 4 other police tagging at poor chap))

Guy: thats okay. But im a citizen so you should treat me right

woman in background: eh eh! watizi happening??? ((voices mumbling,trying to explain)


P.1 : eh eh! u man! wat are u trying to do?????

Guy: i asked if you were going to lunch. 

P.1: eh u man! u are trying to bribe me!!!! me i am an officer! how do u try to bribe me??? 

((a lot of guy tagging at going on))

woman in background : eeeeeeh eh!! kyoka people can u imagine what that boi didi????

Guy: i just asked you if you were going to lunch

P.2 : how do u attempt to bribe an officer?

P.1 : Cani u see this man? he asked if i  was going to lunch and then he gave me 20,000 shs. whatiz wrong with u??? we are going to the station.. come we go!! ((roughly pushes guy))

suddenly Mummy Guy arrives (( has a ka accent as well)) : leave my son alone. He didn't know. dont take him down to the station

woman in background: kati oyo  ki ki????
P.3: yo  maamma.. your son is being taken to the station. he has attempted to bribe policeman!

Mummy abt to waiiiiiil: leave my son!!

Guy: Mum. wat is it u want? leave me to go ((accent has faded by now)) lemme just give her the keys to the car then we can go....

woman in background: watizi happeningi banange????
QN: why was the NTV news crew on hand??????? Poor lightie targeted by the popo!!!

2. Was watching "who we are".. ((yeah i was over watching serious programs, sue me) and they were talking to the abayudaya or Ugandan jews, pretty small sect who follow Jewism and more importantly only the Old testament. 

Interesting stuff, they even speak hebrew or yiddish or is it jewish? (LOL). *

Fun aside, the one thing i thought was hillarious if not a bit far fetched was in relation to the meats they are not allowed to eat...something that sets them apart from "normal christians" and muslims.

i hear they do not eat pork (ok) , rabbit ( ooo.. okay not shelf ready but available, okay)... then get this... CAMEL

qn: we are we going to find one in Buganda?????? i mean,if we were tempted to eat one, u know, in rebellion...just as u know a BBQ of sorts.. just asking....

3. Things happen every so often to remind you that christians, just like anyone else, are just people at the end of the day. The only problem is that the 'moral" bar is much higher and so you are judged harshly and sometimes your actions have impacts of peoples faith. 

wont tell sob story, somewhat similar to cheri's only with some cell leader (bible study leader person) looting the boi. 

4. I went to the beach last friday. Yes i went, despite the promises of rain to come, i mean, who trusts the meteorology office anyway???? 

meanwhile i understand their roof leaks... that should tell us something, dont you think?

What was my point? Ooo yes... idling along i landed on a 10k note in the sand. tis the first time i have ever landed on money.

Someone jokingly suggested that some person had dropped it  on their way outa the lake ((LOL))

*****certain belief that through witchcraft you can visit the gods under the water and ask for whatever u desire. Details are a bit sketchy though....
**** googled the language jews speak.. apparently depends on where they live so its either Yiddish or hebrew.
Months ago, everything in your life was stable, good friends, good music, good food and all that. Then cherise went n done a stupid thing, she encroached on "private property" and we aint talking land here.

Well technically they not private property but we are talking about becoming friends with that dense best boy mate of yours.Suddenly you are getting updates from her and being asked where He is so THEY can hang. Both of them are too wrapped in the magic of the experience to realize that they are hurting you and are too caught up to realise that they would not even be together if it wasnt for you.

You do not know who of the two to blame or beat up more. Dense Darren for not knowing or Stupid Cherise for knowing what it feels like and being herselfish self and going out of her way to become her engaging self.

You rationalise that Darren is naturally dense, he's a guy...wat does he know anyway,right?
Now Cherise on the otherhand... knows guyz are dense and uses it to her advantage so technically, she's the problem.

But u know what they say...if ur peep is going to stray, there aint nuthing u gonna do about it.

So you take the high road..laugh when u need to.. smile when u need to... offer assurance when needed...explain him to her to make it easier for her to understand him.... listen to her for hours tell you about how brilliant he is and what he is up to and all that time, you are thinking to yourself...

yeah, i used to know this. I USED to b the one he talked to. I used to KNOW what was going to happen before it did... yeah i USED to be the ONE

There are a few disturbing things said as the days became weeks,fortnights, weeks...months.

She still thinks Darren thinks you are the cheese and Darren still tries to involve u in his life (albeit half heartedly according to you). it always comes across like you are the spare peep.

When his SMS's dwindle, you remember her one day jokingly swearing to come between you and you think
"guess the jokes on me".

He calls you up, you are excited until u learn that he called Cherise first and because she didnt pick up n he needed a filler, he called you.

But on days when you are feeling secure about who you are, you sometimes think maybe this is just a phase, Darren will come back to me...he knows where home is....

This goes on for a while until one day you wake up and realise that you dont need anyone to reafirm who you are, to approve of you... to be your "yes man".

You had gotten so caught up in seeing yourself through other peoples eyes and forgotten to take a lot and see the person you know you are....
You were before them and you will be after them.

As the days become weeks and months, you are no longer hurt when Darren doesnt take the time to find out how you are because quite frankly, your life did not stop because he didnt ask.
You dont mind cherise telling you about him but because you have stopped being the "key-to-darren-guide" it amuses you no end when she fumbles around.If she wants to be with him, she needs to learn, no short cuts.

You stop looking for clues in everything he says and then u realise, you have finally grown up. Sure you still believe in dreams and love and all that rot... it doesnt mean you will ever forget who YOU are.

The most important lesson you learned and remembered is you are an important independent valuable person in your own right.

As i was iddling by Mo Ma's i landed on this thingy here. U have goooooooooot to check it out!!!!!! it tracks people.. i'l let u find out locate!
1. So i was watching Hot Steps the other day (dance show with ronnie, michael n some chick on NTV) and honestly it wasnt that much fun to watch. But i was bored and figured i had nothing to loose, right? i kept hopping something rib tickling would happen... i mean, we are talking Ugandan tv here, right?

so after a few minutes of looking at Ugandans trying to b kewl on the telly, i came to the conclusion that, yes, cameraz make people do funny things.

first off, the judges come off like they are at some quiz, like they are afraid that Mirinda (official sponsors) will ask for their money back or failing that, a change in presenters. I sometimes feel like writing them a little note telling them to be kawa! tis their show! and more importantly, they do know each other, they havent just met and so they aint out to impress each other.

I think its a result of this whole " i have to be serious and formal" thingy that we take on possibly because of the way we were brought up. If everyone is paying attn to you, you cannot afford to come off as goofy and yet know what you are talking about. Instead u come off loooking like a clown, which if u really think about it, is okay... u just come off loooking like one, doesnt mean u are one!

Reminds me of that statement people used to make, in reference to being in the world but not of the world " just because i sleep in a garage, it doesnt make make me a car".

I would actually say charles Mwiyeretsi something or other , the presenter, is the more interesting person to watch although u end up trying to figure out if he is going to lisp or not or...... wont go there, i myt actually meet the chap one day, nanti kla is ssssssssssmmmmmaaall!

ooo yes, the funny part.... these chaps (judges) put the kiddies through rigorous cheorographed steps (Note: do not compare these steps and mode of teaching with "Making the band" or "so you think you can dance" or whatever) after which they picked 24 (i think) from the 47 left.

Now, what these chaps forgot was the mic. was turned ON so we could clearly make out their elimination process. Imagine the contestants "suprise" when they got eliminated......

2. I realized something a whiles back...something i had forgotten about me, something that i let get to me and make me vulnerable. I guess i kinda forgot to look in the mirror to remind me of what i looked like and who i am.

Does that ever happen to you? Like you take major crap from people and then its like you wake up and realise that you are above that?

I think its just that point we all have to reach individually. I have heard so many people say "T! you are better than that!"

No kidding! i know that..... but until it clicks somewhere in me, i aint moving coz i'l still be fighting with other aspects about me. its kinda like waiting for all your watch dails to line up.... if they aint in sync, you will watch the silly face until they do line up...then u can finally move on.

That one moment is all it takes. That one moment for everything to click. That one moment...for you to clearly say "forget you".

Interestingly enough (yes im almost thru with the philosophy) once u cross that line of "self awakening" no matter what happens and what peeps say, ya aint going back.... word!