First my access to the Interweb is questionable, so understand when i cant comment on your posts but i be reading, thats the important part, isnt it????

In other news, Bomseh, yes... the version of "weakness in me" you are listening to is by keisha white, im listening to the Melisa Etheridge version.. it roooocketh!

I sometimes think i should go on with my dream of creating a directory on Uganda, be a one person information portal, and not necessarily for touristy reasons. Then it hits me that, i would need serious funding and some how i dont think certain peoples would be sold on the idea.

I just hate not knowing where things are. I hate knowing that if i walked into a MUK office, for example, i would run around for 3 hours and not find the answer to what im looking for.

I hate visiting websites and finding nothing.

I hate calling up information and they do not have some numbers listed (kwani their job is what?)

Before i get carried away, it was this SMS that reminded me of why i think i ought to sort that particular goal out. SMS in its splendour read

Banange T! i cant find my s6 certificate. wd u help me? hw much does 1 cost frm uneb? hw lng b4 i get it? and which is mo important? the short one ? or big 1?

Now, ask, why wld anyone THINK i wd have such info readily available? i dont work in education!!!!
Waiit.. i did do a somewhat related stint.. maybe thats why.. but so nooooooooot the point right now.

I dont know the answer... anyone?????

As i was idling through the new vision this morning (yes, those of us who are job hunting do this like clock work on monday's) i came across this headline " You should not be ashamed of being pregnant".. i just died... it as if made my morning.

okay...... okay.... im fibbing a bit. it was "You should not be ashamed of pregnancy cravings" but the other heading would have been waaaaaay cooler.

The other day, i was yappin with a friend and they asked what my sister calls her mother-in-law and what my brother-in-law calls my parents.

My answer... Mummy and Daddy.

Apparently this friend of mine could neeeeeeeeeeyvah call her mother-in-law or any other woman for that matter, "mummy"... it would be some sort of betrayal.

When my dad was looking up mukyala (my mum (grins))), my grand daddy asked him if when he joined the family, he was joining as a son or a son-in-law. My father joined as a son.

The same qn was asked of my brother-in-law. He joined our family as a son.

The way i see it, its the ultimate form of acceptance if my mother/father-in-law asked me to call'em mum n dad i would be honoured, humbled, speechless and all those appropriate cliches. Because technically, they arent my parents but would have accepted me as their daughter.

thats just what i think... what do u think?
7 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    yes yes yes... i know... don't hate cheri

  2. Anonymous Says:

    OK, first, I shud have googled. My bad. Now I'm going to google and listen to your version of "weakness in me."

    A father-in-law is just that. I don't think I'd ever call one dad, considering that I don't even call dad that. Any older man worth respect, "Mzee" is the word I call them, as for the mother-in-law, Mama will just do. Not mom, or mum. But then, that is just me.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    OK, first, I shud have googled. My bad. Now I'm going to google and listen to your version of "weakness in me."

    A father-in-law is just that. I don't think I'd ever call one dad, considering that I don't even call dad that. Any older man worth respect, "Mzee" is the word I call them, as for the mother-in-law, Mama will just do. Not mom, or mum. But then, that is just me.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    OK, first, I shud have googled. My bad. Now I'm going to google and listen to your version of "weakness in me."

    A father-in-law is just that. I don't think I'd ever call one dad, considering that I don't even call dad that. Any older man worth respect, "Mzee" is the word I call them, as for the mother-in-law, Mama will just do. Not mom, or mum. But then, that is just me.

  5. KK Says:

    LOL! OK... Bom. We heard you the first time.

    As for me myself personally, I don't know about that mummy daddy thing. My mother always wanted a daughter... but that would make you my sister... no? And I don't know about marrying my own sis.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Aaaaaaaaaa...what to comment? this is mchanganyiko maalum [mixed grill]

  7. Hmm. I dunno, I'd find it impossible to call anybody else "Mummy".