That i did it. That i was there. That i was the cause. That if it had not been for me, it would not have happened.

They say i was irresponsible, that i should have been paying attention but instead i was busy screaming my self silly.. me and my passengers. We were part of a beer promotion campaign.. Moonberg larger, may you die a slow painful death. Apparently me and the gals were screaming at the top of our lungs with "our thighs hanging out".

They say we were the problem because we had no regard for the pedestrians, we shouted at them insultingly.... actually more accurately, we shouted at her. This woman who turns out to be a representative of the grey's {or is it whites?? } ( nanti they cant be blues) who apparently has some esteem issues.

It would appear she isn't on the right side of pretty or slim but who cares?? A person is a person, right?? 

She said i did this... she said they have been looking for me for two months. She says i almost run her over in katwe in January. She says me and my gals shouted at her that one fine day in January.

I have thought about what she said and i have many theories as to why she is saying these things about me. 

At the top of my list is she is just a hater! I mean, i was probably idling doing my innocent driving by thing as per usual when she chanced upon that number plate.. it is pretty simple to remember. 

I'm also wondering what i would be doing in katwe on a fine evening... the place is notorious for jams in addition to which the only reason i would have been there was if i was coming back from Entebbe which does not make sense. I live on the side of town where it would not make sense to go through katwe.

Even if she insists that i was in the vicinity... the only way i could have almost run her down is if she carelessly crossed the road. Pedestrians are notorious for that.. i would know, i am one of them! 

If she insists that i was part of a beer promotion, they we would have been moving slowly, yes?(prolly in 4-5pm jam)  Which means for the near accident to occur, she must have just decided to yingia the road unless of course she crossed at the zebra crossing (dont know if katwe has one, i seem to remember seeing one, the lines aint there any more...tis a really vague recollection that) so unless she was at that point, essentially i had the right of way.

I know what her argument will be, the car is more powerful than the pedestrian so the "car" should be more responsible. I tooootallly agree... but when, as the pedestrian, tis sincerly your fault because you over estimated the attention the driver was paying, then dont blame the car.

You see, this is one thing people dont get...the driver is paying attention to like gazillion things at the same time. You thinking you are important enough to be seen, may be your first mistake.

Back to my defense...
January was a hard month... the start of a hard year for me. The kenya elections situation made fuel a thing of luxury in jan, remember that? i have horror stories from Jan. So for it to be insinuated that i was busy gallivanting in a fuel less car goes against the grain.

Me? beer promotion??? NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYVAH! Even if you are my boo, i am sorry, there are just somethings a gal should never be associated with and that one ranks high.

PLus who takes a tiny car full of gals on beer promotions? This aint a campus Guild president election campaign where we are desperate for just about any car we land on. This is promoting a NEW beer in Katwe or there abouts ...

Nti we were making noise and carrying on like some happy birds... lemme show you the car.. you be the judge... just how many loud carrying on people with "their thighs out" can you fit in here? ((the windows b tinted by the by))

I rest my case.

I am seriously doing a low low thing because this woman is out to get me. But on my braver days, i stand out n say "take your best shot cooper!!!! i can prove where i was.... can u???"

side note: if i disappear.. the coppers got me!! they got me good!!!
16 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    She has been nabbed!

    Shall commenting here be called aiding and abetting?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Oh those right there be firsties!!!!!!!!!!

  3. kissyfur Says:

    your thighs were hanging out?

  4. Maua Says:

    You need an alibi, blogging. You were blogging on that day, and I can swear that.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    They are gwan get you good no doubt T

    nice reason to quit blogging, just like er Tumwi,and Iwaya!!


    Thighs hanging out!


    I am really trying here!

  6. Anonymous Says:

    you do what you gotta do girl!

  7. KK Says:

    About the car, and not to ruin your defense or anything, in our post teenage heyday, we've been known to fit 8 people in a mini-cooper... and that unlikely fete can only be accomplished while drunk and disorderly, trust me... and with some thighs hangin out:)

  8. I take that's your kind of ride? You really like them, don't you!

  9. Robyn.K.Y Says:

    No,,,you dont say.Great

  10. Anonymous Says:

    banange tandra, katwe of all places?

    and those passengers... i think you should introduce them to intelligensia... with those thighs hanging out, he would so be happy with them... right 3?

  11. Anonymous Says:

    don't say anything! until your lawyer gets there and we see those so called 'criminal thighs'...i'm sure you're guilty of 'killer' thighs....

  12. Anonymous Says:

    for the thighs to be hanging out there shall have to be other activities going on in the vehicle which when they occur on public roads are more than frowned upon. did you won a pair Syb?

  13. T- when you are high on booze and I am not saying you were, and amongst crazy friends, which again I am not saying you were, bizzare things can happen, which I am not saying they did......if the cops ask me- i know nothing!

  14. Anonymous Says:

    You are killing me!!
    Mbu Sy dyu own a pair!

  15. Anonymous Says:

    3, let me check and will get back to you... or maybe we could just take a short cut and you could check?