On an interesting day waaaay back in 2007... i started out with this post... yeelllo! I suspect at the time i was riding high on MTN adverts or some such thing, otherwise, such words do not constitute my regular vocabulary. 

Today i am the proud owner of you.. blog! One year.... imagine that!

A year in which we have laughed, we have cried, we have offered sound advice, we have cracked each other up and generally "been all we could be".

Eh but we have been through some issues... but we have made a number of friends as well... this voyage started out as just that... but now we are richer for the people that make blogville worth being a part of.

I could not start to list everyone because you are allllllllllllll soooo many to name and alll soooooooo important to go into explaining. Each of you beez special (even you who up and make your blogs private so i cant read'em like kelly and Phoenix.. yeah linking them wld not help u!!!)

Err... enough sappyness... onto funner things.... wats the plot this weekend???
14 Responses
  1. KK Says:

    Happy Anniversary T... Party over at my house:) No need to bring your own friends.... there'll be plenty of me to keep you company

  2. Iwaya Says:

    this must be one of the getting older thingies that one can look forward... :0)

  3. Iwaya Says:

    congratulations on making one year...how many teeth do you have now?

  4. How time flies, eh?

    I've not got plot for the weekend. :o( Just crap. No life.

  5. O'Dee Says:

    Congrats on d blog anniv.

    Guess we wr all hung up ond y'ello thingiee.

    Lvli week ahead.

  6. Cheri Says:

    Happy anniversary Tandra.

    Cosign on the restrictions to some blogs... I miss Phoenix-lulu

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Happy belated Birthday Blogpage... Tandra Kulika labour pains

  8. Anonymous Says:

    A whole year full of conversations!

    I remember when you was soo not the drama!

    Congs on the new set of teeth T!

  9. Anonymous Says:

    congs dear... surprised that the template hasn't changed in celebration...

  10. Anonymous Says:

    Happy Blogversary. Looking forward to reading from you more.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    happy Blogversary. Looking forward to reading from you more.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    alright miss 'firsties' is on first anniversary...wooooooooohooooooo!

    happy blogsversary!

  13. Anonymous Says:

    1 year...and some of us are still crawling babies in blogville...well,happy anniversary!

  14. Anonymous Says:

    happy new year!!