6.20AM stupid alarm goes off.. realize its going to be a muddy rain. Drizzle aint letting up.

6.40AM Debate between being appropriately dressed or lounging it in jeans...

decide on presentable shirt and jeans

7.12AM Leave house. Rain cant make up its mind

7.17AM Recieve call asking where I am. I was close.

7. 22AM Go through hotel security

7.24AM Let down by hotel staff. Exhibition area has NOT been set up.

Conference/Exhibition starts by 9.00 AM latest.

7.27AM Finally track down staff incharge

7.33AM As if client arives.

7.40AM Standing by 6 of the 11 tables asked for.

7.41AM Big boss client arrives with HIS boss. Makes me smile. People tend to be humble in

presence of real boss

7.45AM Exhibitors arrive. Still have 6 tables.. not set up in any way.

7.46AM Managers give quack explanation for being behind the times. We aint buying!

8.00AM Finally have 11 tables. No table clothes or skirting.

8.15AM Cloth and skirting arrive.

9.00 AM Declare self mushroom pin (thumb pin) Master. Thumb throbs like a problem!!!

9.40 AM Jeans socked through... walking through muddy "grass"... rain still present.

10.30 AM Through with tables. Colour chosen clashes with my green table tops. Decide to


10.40 AM Inform junour client that im through. She insists that they want ribbon.

Feeling frustrated!

11.10 AM Walking down Luwum street looking for ribbon. All the shades seem weeeeeeird. Rain aint giving up its proggie.

11.40 AM Walk to Skunk's. in desparate need of help. HELP!Skunk came through MAJORLY! Thank U

12.40 PM Make way back with rosetts ( ribonny thingies)

1.15 -PM complete table dressing.. debate on wether to have lunch or not.

1.25 PM looked at suspiciously. Seemed like we timed lunch. Decide to eat with gusto.
Lunch was not for writing home about.

2.05PM Finish off tables.

2.40PM Go home to change. Jeans and shoes done in. Want to catch some z's. CANT

4.20 PM Make way back to finish day.

5.20 PM Goofed by pull up banner thingies. There are no gentlemen out there!!!

6.10PM begin gentle stroll to see friend. Have a loooooovely evening.

10.20PM Get home. Tell the mother and sister about my day.

11.20 PM Eyes shut.
7 Responses
  1. Well, this was fun. :o)
    I hated the rain, too, yesterday.
    I endured it twice. I had to stand under it twice. For long.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    tis felt like i was reading the beginning of a novel... can we be getting like weekly updates?


  3. Anonymous Says:

    long day, this should be repeated daily. the list, not the activities, reminds me of a time card that had been introduced at work. after went to pee, went outside to check on the sun and other things showed up too often boss decided it was not worth his time. :-)

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Kale I picture u with yo pen and notebook glancing at yo watch all the time so u can write the exact time of the happening...


  5. Anonymous Says:


  6. Anonymous Says:

    What an exciting life you live ... not! :-)