My sister would kill me but i just had to write this out. You know those statements/phrases/questions people make/ask and you wonder what they are on about, yes?

Starting with this one:

1. "How do you make it?" i swear, the first time i heard this one, i was like make what??????
In case you have not heard this one before, the peep be asking what time it is.

2. "He doesn't have my time..." Contrary to what you might think, this is actually different from " He doesn't have time for me"

3. "It is good for me" think this means you appreciate whats going on. You could also relate it to someone else for example by asking "isnt it good for u?"

4. That boy is too too nice. this one according to me is used in sooo many ways i can only conclude that this means he is delish! or something.

5. How do u know me now?.... check out innocent for this one....

6. Bambucha! yeah... Fanta ad. Peeps say this and you wonder what you are supposed to say in response.

Other short stories...
The other day my mum tells this story about a friend who was travelling. Enroute she stops at some airport (think she had like an hr to kill), she gets carried away sky shoppin. so as time passes and she gets more and more involved in her shopping, she keeps hearing the over head announcement...
"Mrs butime (read byutime) please report to your gate"
"Mrs. butime, please report as soon as you can"
"Mrs. butime, we may be forced to offload your laguage if you do not report immediately"
"Mrs. butime, Mrs.. butime"

Eventually, she realises that she's running late so she rushes to her gate. When she gets there, everyone is getting bent out of shape over her so they ask if she hadnt heard the announcement.
and she goes like...
"wait! i thought u were calling someone else... my name is BUTIME (bu-ti-me- read it like an African) not byutime"

I basically died.

But that one was relatively okay.... there was the story of another one who got "lost" at the airport... His name "Besingyire".... airport personel went around calling him "besing-wire"

In unrelated news, a friend of mine amused me this morning. Sent this message

G: gwe as a nation i think we need to buy for mrs sevo a new bag!

I fell off my chair laughing. Apparently mrs. sevo has been seen carrying the same bag on numerous occasions and this is uncalled for.
16 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    How do u make it?

    That one is my Acholi cousin's favourite...

    Lemme first secure my sockies...

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Tandra, this is stellar...He doesn't have my time...tatyina biseera byange.

    Oh, I have a cousin. He's the epitome of LOCAL!!! When asked..." How Fiona (his chick)?" he answers, "she's nice." WTF.

    The Cheri

  3. Anonymous Says:

    How do you make it??

    Nuff Sed!

  4. Anonymous Says:

    owaaye vaku handbag ya Mrs.Sevo- you do yopu have it? This was too funny. esp after Cheri now interpreted the "he does have my time". I am on the floor. "it's for world cup"

  5. Anonymous Says:

    hmmm..what do the phrases mean? you cant leave peeps hanging sweetheart.

    loved the stories.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    3... sweetheart? eh tandra, what are you not telling us...

    'how do you make it' and 'extend' are the worst!

  7. the antipop Says:

    how about "how is you?"
    someone please explain that one.
    tandra, this was really good

  8. Anonymous Says:

    In SA they greet you, "how is it?"
    or worse still, "what kind"

    And they would pronounce your name "Tendra" at the Airport.

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Never heard of No. 1 but pple just come up with all sorts of Phrases

  10. Tamzel Says:

    This is really funny. Especially 'besing-wire.'

  11. Duksey Says:

    What about the greeting
    Well done...
    If you have been to Mbale you know this one

  12. lulu Says:

    banange, i always come to your blog for a goooooood looooonhg laugh aND I HAVE GOT IT!

  13. lulu Says:

    AND WHAT IS THAT? 'that boy is too too nice! hahaha

  14. lulu Says:

    ooops sorry, that 'where are you was for lindwee

  15. LOL... this post was hilarious. When I 1st moved to the states a guy walked up to me and said 'wat they do?' poor little was so puzzled. First of all I did know 'who' he was referring to so I innocently said ' I don't know what they did.' Only to have him laugh at me and tell me that meant 'HOW ARE YOU?' !!!!!! Can u believe that!!!! People say the strangest things.