Yes... syb... we are celebrating a neeeeeeeeeeewww year!

So i recently got interested in noting visitor activity on my blog. I know, i should have been doing important things like donating rice like Be silent but i could not help myself.

Where as some people have google or technocrati and movies are us!.. i got hooked on get clicky! by someone who will go unnamed.

I was giddy at the prospect of knowing who was visiting, where they came from and where they were going. How long they spent, what they looked for and what search words led people to my blog.

Baz did say something about creating traffic by making mention of some otherwise non interesting things.

I have found that among the key word searches that leads people to my blog is "greg's list". I know, some of you are reading it like "huh".

To this day i maintain that i did know what i was talking about, i somehow just didnt type it out. I can remember that day sooooooooo clearly, its amazing. Thanks to Nathan, i corrected it to "craigs list"... now you may go like "oooo ooooh!"
makes sense now, right?

This little experiement has proved that there are hopeless spellers out there :D

My preoccupation with getclicky however came to an end when i realised that i was enjoying a limited edition thingy... they were tempting me.. pushing me to want to know more..pushing me to upgrade... spend my non existant dollars on a bump to Premium from a basic package. Well...they aint gonna get me!!

I have thus moved on to statcounter, sitemeter and wonders... google analytics. They all basically do the same thing, monitor your site. They provide colour ful graphs and stuff... u should check it out!!

This is however where the trick is... apparently they all look for different things which means one will tell you 20 people visited your site, while another will say 5 did and yet another will say 60 people did.

Im usually skeptical about the ones that say a certain number below the number of people who commented ...those stats are plain out lying!!!!

so im wondering if i should not just go around ignorantly about my business. I mean...this business of knowing is proving a bit unsatisfying.

OOOOoooooooooo well.....
6 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:


  2. Anonymous Says:

    So you are busy noting where i am comin from? I am never ever ever coming back, well not via the same route anyway!

    New, old template bleep bleep bleeeeeeeeep blip bliiiiiiiiiiiiiip!!!!!!!!!!

  3. KK Says:

    Didn't recognize you almost

  4. There's always one hit here that belongs to me, even when I don't comment. :o)

    Oh, nice return of that wee Boondock. :o)

  5. Anonymous Says:

    I am sooo checking out the links.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    "i am the stone that the builders refused..."

    oh man, boondocks!